Arriving at The Rusty Rudder we headed to the back for a drink with some locals.

Sonny was happy to pose for a quick picture.

It was raining pretty hard outside….

So I did what I could to help the guys with the equipment.

Pugs and Skip setup the lights……

While T and Kelli hung in the back.

Skrow just made funny faces.

Everyone was catching up after not seeing each other for a while.

The John Ginty Band was on stage before G-13…

And they sounded great.

They had a good on stage vibe.

Belting out the tunes.

The lighting at the Rusty Rudder sucked.

So I had to use the flash…..

But my flash was acting up on me…….

And wasn’t always firing.

Oh well, time for some G-13 anyway.

How John gets ready for a show.

Many of the regular G-Fans were on hand to see the show.

So we were all eager to hear them play.

The night’s set was only going to be about 45 minutes.

This was because it was the Rusty Rudder Jam fest weekend.

There were over 60 bands….

On 3 or 4 different stages….

Playing all weekend long.

Can you guess which band I was there to see?

Sonny had the best light….

And T had the worst.

While the band played….

And Jason tore up the fret board….

The fans started getting crazy….

Who do you love?

John called for a….SOCIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And there were lots of people in the crowd to join in the fun.

“R” is for Rusty Rudder.

Skrow ran the sound…..

And let me say it was great to have him back.

Bubba, still dancin’.

Some of the G-Girls hanging out.

For the end of the show, it was T on the washboard while John clapped along.

In case you missed the show, or were there and forgot.

After the show, Skrow showed Kelli how to roll your own cigarette….

And seal it shut.

Apparently not the only thing that needed sealing.

Jamie and Skip ham it up for the camera.

Buddy tries to show everyone how he can fly.

John was having some fun and gave me a wink.

Sonny laughs at the fact that for once, it’s not he and John loading the van.

A night with G-13 at the Rusty Rudder. Click here for pictures. A quick posse pose.

Brad was there for all the good lovin’…

And so was Sonny….

Of course, he knows where to find true love.

Leaving the Rudder that night, Johnny law was there to look out for our safety.

A quick stop at the convenience store….

Then it was on to the bamboo room for the after party.

It was like that when I found it.

Jason, giving in to the needs of his fans…..

As did Brad….

and Skrow.

Showing off her new puppy dog.

Hey guys, did you find the present I left you yet?

She refilled the bottle with water for easy transportation.

Welcome to Wendy’s, can I take your order?

Roots, don’t forget the roots.

Sonny played along with the music….

And everyone was happy to listen.

One last thing, did you find this yet?