G-13 @ BB King’s in NYC

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T finds his rhythm in the lights.

T finds his rhythm in the lights.

John and Skip get in on the act as well.

John and Skip get in on the act as well.

Back out for round two.

Back out for round two.

Pugs hangs out again making sure to record for all of you to listen.

Pugs hangs out again making sure to record for all of you to listen.

During the set break, everyone was just having a good time.

During the set break, everyone was just having a good time.

Jason enjoys a private moment.

Jason enjoys a private moment.

Scarecrow was out during the set break to entertain the fine people of NYC.

Scarecrow was out during the set break to entertain the fine people of NYC.

Back stage, there were some last minute changes to the setlist.

Back stage, there were some last minute changes to the setlist.

Mookie and Jason discuss the keys the songs will be played in for the second set.

Mookie and Jason discuss the keys the songs will be played in for the second set.

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