Mark, Kelli, and I headed to Seacrets in Ocean City for a night with G-13.

We ran into Jason…

And local legend DJ Batman.

We were in Ocean City for G-13’s CD release party. Click here for pictures. It was the CD release party for G-13’s newest album, Still Dancin.

Lower Class Citizens were on first……

So Kelli and Mark made do with the time.

Check out the shirt Bill is sporting!!!!!

Meanwhile, Jason was in the back selling the merch.

See anything of interest?

John swung by to work on the setlist…..

See anything of interest?

LCC has a great sound…..

And it gave G-13 some time to do some CD signing.

Seacrets helps give a larger than life feeling to almost any band.

James held it tight with the rhythm….

And was shining in the light.

Bill gettin’ funky….

And Tyler just catchin’ a mellow groove.

OK, enough LCC, lets get to some G-13!!!!!

T found himself a good spot to setup….

And I ran back to my truck for my other flash…..

The second flash helps for that dramatic effect.

John sporting a vintage Cuban shirt. (so he told me)

Still checking the sound, and Jason tries to get a feel for the music.

T, as always, makin’ nice with the ladies.

There was a good crowd on hand for the show….

And then it was time for G-13 to take the stage.

Ladies and gentlemen, G-13!!!!!!!!!!!

With the big screen behind them , I have plenty of these shots.

I also have plenty of the standard fare.

The lighting made for some fun effects on Sonny.

I headed upstairs…..

And down this hallway….

To get some pictures from high up.

These fine women were manning the merch while the guys were on stage….

And I headed back up for some more top-side pictures.

Check out the computer setup to the right….

They had all kinds of fun toys for doing effects.

So I grabbed one more from up top……

Then headed back down to find T being….welll….being T.

I caught the light just right on John with this shot.

Fingers a flyin’!!!!

John belted out the tunes….

And the big screen made sure everyone could see.

I think it’s time for a social!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As always, I made beer runs for the guys.

Lots of people were hanging out by the bar….

And Sonny was happy to play to them all.

And play he did……

Along with the rest of the band.

I tended to circle around the stage, getting shots from behind….

The side….

And the front.

Seems like Mark and Kelli are getting friendly while I’m away.

During the set break everyone relaxed….

Except for the occasional CD signing.

Check out the cool button!!!!

Look at me making the obvious joke…..

Yes, ha ha, that was funny.

After the set break it was time for them to go back on stage.

Because of the lighting, it was easiest to shoot Sonny from behind the stage.

Now playing at a theater near you, G-13.

More of a green, than a lime light.

Hey, Skip was there too. I seem to have forgotten to mention him yet….

With regards to pictures of Skip, I shoulda, I coulda, I woulda.

I caught Sonny in just the right light to snap a good picture.

How do you think he gets those strong arm muscles for playing the bass?

Guitar y guitar…mano y mano.

More cow bell!!!!!!!!

Hello Skip…….

Hello Skip and Sonny.

I love that screen behind the band.

Out on the dance floor, everyone was starting to hop….

And as you might guess, Bubba was still dancin’.

I started to join in the dancing when I saw Skip jump up on the monitor…

And I almost missed this shot of the three of them standing on all the monitors together.

Yeah guys, that was pretty cool.

More spoons!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, that’s why I come to Ocean City…..well that and to hear G-13.

Sonny with a little rat-a-tat-tat…..

And T with a naked lady on his back.

Looks like everyone is still dancin’!!!!

But that was the end of the show.

So I grabbed the set lists…..

And then had them personalized.

Mark and Kelli were ready to go….

But I needed a few more shots….

Of all the after show craziness….

Including good use of the nude woman.

Bubba, no longer dancing.

How John gets all the ladies.

Kelli gives another hug….

And then one last one….

Before heading back for some Fat Daddy’s!!!!!

Well that’s all for now, hope you enjoyed!!!!