I arrived at the Eight by Ten to find the guys still running through the sound check.

Skrow, of course, being the one who checked the sound.

While they are now the Eight by Ten, it wasn’t long ago that they were the Funk Box.

I brought the guys a Christmas present, of which John is opening….

But you’ll have to wait to see what it was….

As Skrow still needed to finish with the sound.

Skrow decided a little monkeying around was in order.

Notice anything??

Kelli and I went upstairs and hung out with everyone before the show started.

Hey dude, mind if I stick my finger in your face?

Skip was making a large adjustment…. Another G-13 show, click here for pictures.

While I was just trying to get a band photo.

John seems to be eyeing up Kelli….again.

After his previous adjustment, Skip celebrates with some head banging.

Sonny’s pointing friend is gone….

But Skip said he was willing to take his place.

His other ride is your mother.

Self Portrait.

BTW, those square white stickers were my Christmas present to G-13.

Be sure to ask for one next time you see them.

Jennifer seems to be a little weary of my picture taking.

For the record, Jason is numero dos (John already slipped by)….

With Sonny a close third….

Skip was still upstairs working on the set list….

And this is what was on the other side.

Anyone have the munchies?

OK, It seems Skip is last for the night….

But he had an entourage of women with him, so really he’s number one.

Oh I forgot, while all that was going on, Skrow was playing.

And with us downstairs now, he had a huge crowd.

Jason enjoyed listening on the side so much….

The he joined Skrow for a few songs.

Meanwhile, Skip ran the sound, and Sonny just enjoyed the music.

This is Sam Freidman, good friend and 8×10 house photographer.

Well, the time had finally come for G-13 to take the stage.

It was good to hear them live again.

I always try to make their shows if I can.

I liked the balcony….

And took a moment from up top to say hello to Sam.

This guy ran the lights, while Skrow ran the sound.

Another couple that comes to a lot of shows, Jennifer and Roth.

Jason Shegogue, lead guitar.

Skip Maisel, Rhythm Guitar & Vocals.

Sonny Martin, drums.

John Sybert, Bass & Vocals.

T missed the bus, so he didn’t make this show.

But the show must go on!!!!

If you were there that night, this is what would have been stamped on your hand.

Like these dames here….although they wouldn’t show me their hands.

Sonny rocked things along without T….

And the rest of the band had no problems keeping up.

Similar to the last, but in a blue bathroom.

During the set break while everyone headed upstairs….

I went outside to get a picture of the front.

I also found this small note about who was playing that night.

Although Skrow wasn’t mentioned….

That didn’t keep him from having a good time….

And singing to the crowd.

Notice anything different than last time?

I’m not in the band, but I also don’t follow the rules….

And by the looks of things, I’d say I’m not the only one.

The women sure do know how to find John.

Yes they do”, says John.

Everyone was just relaxing to the sounds of Skrow….

You see, there were speakers in the ceiling that played the music from downstairs.

Sonny just used that time to catch a quick nap.

John used that time for other things.

On the way back down, Jason was first this time….

John was second….

Skip third….

A few fans mixed in for good measure….

And Sonny was fourth….

That’s right Sonny, you were last.

I ran down the street to the Thirsty Dog Pub to grab a pizza….

And when I came back, Kelli was running the lights.

Skrow got a laugh out of that.

The evening was quickly coming to a close….

So Kelli passed the lights back to the real light guy.

Well, these shoes are made for walking, and it was time for me to walk out the door. Hope you enjoyed.