And made our way down to The Mall. Heading into DC on the fourth of July to see G-13, and lots of people were on hand to see the fireworks.
The security to get onto The Mall wasn’t that bad…. Arriving at the entry to the “secure” area, and only had to wait a few minutes to get into the Smoke-In.
We arrived just as The Ordinary Way was finishing playing.
And we were there to see G-13 play. I found John hanging out by the sound board….
And Skip was there too, see him waving hello with one finger?
John shows off his groovy cool Smoke-In button.
It turns out, there were more than a few G-13 fans on hand for the event.
Sonny and T helped Ordinary Way get their gear off the stage….
While Scrow, Skip, Jason, and John got the G-13 gear on stage.
Stage is a loose term used to describe what they were playing on at the show.
Look, there’s a G-13 fan now.
Smoke-In MC for the day Dave Johnson gives some rally chants, then introduces your favorite Eastern Shore band.
Scrow does a few last checks to make sure the sound is right….
And then the guys get the groove going.
T, gettin’ into the rhythm….
And Sonny joins right in.
There was a pretty good crowd wanting to get close and personal to the music.
Were you there????
Jason, layin’ back a mellow vibe….
While John carries the bass.
Skip just hangs in the middle and plays.
I’m not the only G-13 fan who takes pictures.
Kelli was there as my faithful assistant (and wonderful wife).
The man who brings you the pictures of the band you love.
There was a video being done, but I couldn’t find out how I could get a copy.
The back stage scene was pretty chill.
Brad makes sure everything is OK on stage.
Now, let’s not forget why we’re here. Check out Reignite-It’s website.
Or check out the offical Smoke-In website.
Scarecrow, the ever faithful sound guy.
The organizers are given a nice size section of the Mall, that is peaceful and crowd free.
Several other vendors come to have their voices heard.
Most just come and relax while playing some hacky sack…..
Or whatever else you can find to do.
G-13, part of the underground punk movement.
The monitor on the video rig. I did find that “Bill” will be getting a copy of the DVD. Who is Bill?
This is Dana Beal, the founder of the Smoke-In.
With only about 15 minutes left to play….
I grabbed a few more shots….
Just to make sure I had enough for you to enjoy.
With the sun setting, the night was cooling, but G-13 was on fire.
The guys closed with the rally appropriate “T’s Paradise”.
Lets hear it for G-13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial, the show came to a close.
The sun finally set, the guys stopped playing, and it was time for….
The fireworks!!!!
These were some of the best fireworks I’d ever seen.